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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Xanthus finally discharge from hospital today.

Can see from his skin color, he look better now. Compare to the yellowish skin color.
Currently the thing I am worrying is feeding problem.
I don't know shall I continue Breastfeed him or bottle feed him.
Actually, I felt quite frustrated. Cos I plan to breastfeed him due to a lot of unforeen circumstance. Like, he got jaudice need to admit to hospital for a few days stay. So I only manage to give him breast milk once per day. Sometime I really feel like giving up. Cos seems like eveyrthing breast feed him, either my hubby or mum keep asking me to top up with formula. I also don't know what shall I do. Cos I know once top up with formula, there will not be enough breast milk in future. Cos it works in term of demand and supply. If after formula feed him, there will not be a demand and then my supply of course will not be enough and will not increase also.
Baby which do you prefer? If you prefer formula, I rather give up breast feed earlier and will not make myself suffer so much.
If you prefer breast feed of course I will not mind to continue and try hard to increase my supply.

I just wish you can grow well. Anyway I also a newbie mummy, still got a lot of things to learn.


at 6:29 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Xanthus was hospitalised.....

Sad ...( He is on the 3 way UV light, which is in the very left cot. Yesteray night, we went to see him, due to his high jaudice level, doctor even advise to remove his pampers and expose to the light. Really very Ke Lian)

We went to see our PD yesterday, he told us Xanthus's Jaundice level was very high(20.6). I am not really sure how is this being measure. But in order to measure his jaundice level, they actually did a blood test for him. They poked a tiny hole on his left heel and then draw 2 straw of blood from there. Hai ..

When I looked at it, I really felt super sad for him. Cos he only so tiny and he keep crying and crying when they draw the blood from his little heel.

What is jaundice?

Jaundice means a yellow skin colour. They always said this is very common in new born babies, especially in their 1st 3 weeks of life. This is due to too much yellow bile pigment in the blood.

How does this bile pigment get into the blood?

1. Certain no. of red blood ceel in the blood break down and are replaced every day.

2. The broken down red blood cells release a yellow bile pigment.

3. The mature and healthy liver quickly removes the pigment from the blood and changes it into a non-poisonous substance.

4. The non-poisonous substance is passed out of the body with the faeces and urine.

Normally causes of jaundice...

- An immature liver which canot remove and change the bile pigment quickly enough.

This condition is temporary. The baby's liver will soon mature in a few weeks.

- G6PD deficiency

G6PD or glucose 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase is a substance that strengthens the wall of red blood cells.

When a baby is deficient in or lacks G6PD, his red blood cells tend to breakdown easily.

This condition is permanet.

Treatment of baby jaundice.

- If is mild, then will just observe at home and just do some sun bath through the morning or evening's sun.

- If increase or severe, will have to take the baby to hospital for Phototherapy which a special light is used to break down the bile pigment, or

Blood exchange transfusion where baby's own blood with the bile pigment is replaced by donor blood without the pigment.

If there is G6PD, there is several precaution to take note for the rest of his life:

- tell doctor/dentist

- Don't use mothballs

- Don't give traditional medicines, certain herbs and certain beans such as san zi ji, fava bean(bian dou/ kacang parang) and chuan lian(banned in SG)

- breastfeeding mothers should not take any of the abv too much, and cos chemical reactions to the baby through breast milk.

Lucky things, when today we went to see him around 1pm, his jaundice level drop to 12.9. Phew... and he is on the 2 way light. I told my hubby, he seems to go through little tough training in the hospital stay. Then we also go in the right timing, and able to breastfeed him.


at 12:09 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Already 5 day from Xanthus arrived.

So far still able to cope with him with my mum and hubby's help.

Just a bit stress with BM... cos he seems to like formula more.

Today he just cut his face with his sharp finger nail. Hai... Let him wear mittens, then he keep removing them. Quite sad to see the little cut on his face.


at 9:06 AM

8 Jul 2008
6 am - I went to the toilet and realise uncontrollable water keep leaking. But still unsure whether is my water bag burst or just false alarm. I put a sanitary pad and when back to the bedroom and wake my hubby up. He asked me what shall we do, then he went to take his cam coder and start recording the story of the day. As for me, I quickly sms my colleague I can't go work and need to go for gynae check up and confirm. (Actually, I should just go TMC. Just becos we thought we got save some bucks if we wait till 11am then admit to the hospital. Some more I don't feel and contraction at the moment. But in the end, the check up with gynae also cost us quite a lot of extra bucks.)

7am - Already done my last bath and had wantan soup for breakfast, just in case admitted to the ward and unable to intake any more food.

8am - Hubby asked got any pain, but I don't feel and pain. Just that I had a feeling water bag some how is leaking, cos the pad I place at 6am already super wet. Since gynae's clinic open at 9am so we decide to slack a while at home then go to visit her later.

9am - We make our way to the gynae's clinic and register for our turn.

10am - Gynae's just arrived the clinic.

11am - Gynae done a few test and confirm my water bag burst and I will have to deliver within 24hr after my water bag burst. Then I only had 2 cm dilation. and I will need to induce and admit to the observation ward. She ask me to have my lunch first then go to do admission to the TMC.

12pm- Gotten my lunch (Chicken Rice), then admitted to the observation ward. Then straight away the midwife empty my bowel. Then check for my contraction status. I still don't feel the pain yet. So happy rest on the bed. While the mid wife is checking for available delivery ward for me.

130pm - We got a delivery ward. Ward 9 of the TMC delivery ward. Then waiting for 10 cm dilation

5pm - my dilation only 5 cm, and I start to feel the pain. I check with nurse still got how long to go? and she told me now half way and normally is 1 hr 1 cm dilation. I was like "huh? still got 5 more hours to go? Sigh.... " I still able to endure the pain, but start to have a bit of stress. Whenever hubby wan to take photo or video. I keep ask him to keep himself entertain and leave me a lot. Gynae had a check on me and decide to add on the drip for induce, to accelerate the speed.

7.30pm- Due to the accelerate in the contraction, I am not able to take the stress. Even though just 3cm more to go. I decided to go for epidural, as the nurse also realise I start to push unnecessary. I afraid ended fainted at 10 cm. lol. Then hubby told me he meet one of his childhood friend here, whose wife also in the delivery ward which is next to me. Then her EDD also same with me. What a coincidence!

9pm - 10 cm dilation. I am so happy, cos with epi I don't feel anything. But due to the numbness, I also had problem in pushing. Cos They want me to push before gynae arrive.

10pm - gynae arrive and they only manage to see a very little part of baby head, and gynae decide to assist me in delivery. 1st by vacuum with kiwi cup. Wht a cute name. But the assistance was failed due to the technique I push is incorrect. Baby head got a bit of bruises and injury due to this. Gynae decide to use forcep to assist me.

1045pm - Xanthus finally arrive... phew... 3.205KG 7.1 pounds. 51 cm length.

11pm - Gynae continue to do the clean up and we realise due to my unnecessary push and resulted the gynae and the nurses got my blood stain. Even the delivery room's ceiling. lol the vacuum really too power.


at 8:17 AM
Monday, June 30, 2008

Currently, it is more or less like a waiting game.

As we went to see Dr on 25 Jun, the baby weight around 3 kg at his Wk36 day 6. To me, it is quite scary. Cos I don't know will he get too big and end up I required to go for induce or C-section. I really wish I could give birth naturally, if possible drug free delivering even better.

But see how things go, I will try to control my normal diet. Actually I don't mind he come out slightly earlier than EDD cos it will be quite tiring to keep waiting and waiting. So far he had been a good boy recently, not too much movement during my working hr and only move a lot when I am at home. Or else it is a bit distracting when I work.


at 7:03 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008

Today is Wk 35, another 5 more weeks to go.
His weight is 2.5 kg and I gained 20 kg in total. Sigh that's a lot for me and not for him.
The following picture, look like he is showing his happy smile to us. Actually last night I dream of him pop out, hmm a bit too fast. So I start to get panic and scare. I wake up at 3am in the morning and surfing internet to find out more information about delivery.
Then went back to sleep at 5.30am. Lucky thing is today I apply a full day leave and have a good rest at home. Phew, if not even go office, honestly speaking I really have no mood to work.

Today, Gynae reassured his gender is male again.
From Wk 32 onwards, I can feel his large movement around my tummy. Sometime I will really feel irritated, especially during working hrs. So far I start to used to it.
Maybe due to my worry to deliver earlier than my EDD, I start to ask Gynae a lot of question, and today she is really very nice and explain a lot of things to me. Like what kind of things I should take note. She also printed out the hospital bag checklist for me, if not I also don't really know what to bring/dump into my hospital bag.

For the ultrasound today, She also check for a few more things like, is the cord functioning properly. Is the placenta too low for me? So far alright.
She also checked whether I have high risk to go for c-section or not. So far, the answer from her is still able to go for normal delivery. So I just pray hard, I wish to go for normal delivery. Cos during the 5 weeks there is still possibility that unable to go for normal delivery.

She also asked whether had we prepare babies things. So far we have the minimum things for him, cos we think if not enough then get during my confinement month. No point buying too much to stock up and in the end we might need need those unnecessary things. Hospital also provide a lot of free sample, like maternity milk powder for mummy, I had Dumex, Similac,Emma, Annum, etc but I don't really like the taste. ( I have not try Dumex and Similac, maybe will try out whether I am able to drink it or not) Or else also quite wasted.

She also very kindly explain to us her packages, unlike the previous round. She ask us to check with her nurse. So I really very satisfied with her professional advise and help today. Hopefully, I am able to see that in the future 5 weeks too.

Actually after my previous round with her, I was wondering "Is there a need to visit gynae?" seems like for earlier stage, they only just ensure baby is normal. Then ask you whether you need any more multi-vitamin or other supplement or not. So far I don't like to take all those pills, I feel like having indigestion after taking calcium and fish oil supplement. So I still have some at home.

My next appoint will be another 2 weeks later. Hopefully, Xanthus can stay still in the tummy, Cos as for work wise I still have a lot of things to clear before I able to go on leave.


at 8:53 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008

23 May 2008 (Friday)
I think this is the toughest gynae's appointment I had so far. As the gynae refer to to do a glucose test, which required me to fast for 9/12 hrs I can't remember. Anyway I just fast for 12 hrs, in case she need me to come again for the test.

The test required me to fast from the night before I see her, so due to can't even drink or eat after certain time. After the 1st blood test I have to wait for 2 hrs for another blood test. Therefore,I really have problem in sleeping, I knew I got to wait till at least 11am to get my 1st breakfast. I could say I only sleep for 3-4 hrs, then waiting for the time to come. Of course early in the morning, I asked my hubby to wake up earlier and hopefully we could reach there earlier and faster get our test done and can get a proper meals.

We reached there abt 8.45pm, and our appointmen is 9am. Sigh, I did not check that the clinic opening hours is from 9am. So we sat and waited for them to open the clinic. As usual, those clinic staff take their own sweet time, therefore I think they turn their opening sign at around 9.05am to 9.10am.

Then my appointment is at 9am, 5-10 mins I still able to wait. But the problem is after waited outside the clinic for quite sometime, go in still got to wait for registration, urine test, then measurement of height and weight(Phew lucky nv put on any weight within the month). Finally my 1st blood test could be taken, already 925am. So I checked with the nurse, are we going to see the gynae 1st or after our 2nd blood test. She said up to you, but will be advisable to see her 1st. So While taking my sweet glocose drink, we wait for our turn to see the gynae.

The glucose drink is orange favour, I don't really like it too sweet and got to finish the whole bottle, so I secretly(anyway the nurse also seeing me pass my drink o my hubby)let my hubby drink it. So I manage to finish at aroun 925am, and I will need to take my 2nd blood test at 1125am. Then wait and wait, till 10 am I almost fall asleep. I checked with the nurse, when is our turn. She mentioned we are the 1st patient for our gynae. Huh 1st patient, which means she is no here yet. Sian....

Wait till around 10 plus, I finally saw our gynae slip in from their back door. Hai, so bore, can't go anyway cos still waiting to see the gynae. After 5 min, is our turn. As usual, she just check with me anything I need her advice. But I am already so sleepy and hungry. I can't think of any. I only mentioned to her I got problem in sleep. Then she told me is normally la, baby is training me. Cos when the baby is out, I need to take care of him.???? such a funny answer. lol
Maybe she see I got no reaction, she asked whether I need any pills to have a soundly sleep? Hai, nvm. Cos I knew eat too much pill also not good for bb.

So she proceed to the most exciting part of the appt, which is ultrasound scanning...
But I also don't know wht she scannned, around 5 min. She printed a picture for us, and tell us. Don't worry, your baby is very good. Currently weighted 1.9kg and his head is down.

Here is the picture. Week 32 Day 1 and bb weight 1.9kg. Length is unable to be measured at this moment.

lol We look at each other, that's fast. I also don't know wht is she scanning and is done. She just checked with me any supplement I still required.
But I don't like to take the supplement and I still have a lot at home. So did not get any more from her.

This end our gynae appt, which is around 1040am. Fast right?

Still have sometime while waiting for the 2nd blood test, we check with the clinic staff for the delivery package which they provide. Sigh, actually the package they have only 2 choice which is 1 bedded and 4 bedded. So they are also busy, we decide to check with the hospital staff.

Since we got nothing to do, so just sign up for the hospital tour for more details. Anyway previously we did went through a short one, due to someone in the tour grp fainted so it was like kind of cancel. This round, we just clear our doubt while having the tour.

The tour, really give us a better idea. But just the package pricing is kind of too details till we are lost. The helpful staff did try to explain to us with her best knowledge. But some of the thing she referred us to check with patient services officer at another counter.

Due to the tour ended quite late, I almost want to faint le. Cos really super hungry. We just go back to the clinic for 2nd blood test.

After the 2nd blood test, the staff there kind of pressure us whether to book the hospital room at that time. But we still need time to consider which one we want. Then I also too hungry to think of anything to be done. Wasted a lot of time there, and by that time there is also a lot of patients in the clinic and we need to wait and wait for our turn. (For just doing the payment for the glucose test)

So this is really the most miserable gynae's appt that I had.

Actually, I just wonder is there a need for gynae? Sigh.... I start to ponder, I think seeing gynae is really waste of time and money to me.
Maybe just for the sence of security.


at 4:59 PM

Xanthus L

Welcome to My Little Blog
Just a place to blog
my progess in growing up


MY Little ChatBox


Xanthus Liew
D.o.B: 8 Jul 2008. 鼠年 六月 初六日 生诞:天贶节 盘古逝 二十八宿:毕 甲子纳音:大驿土
Gender: Boy
Nick : Ah boy, 光头, Qixiang,ah xian, etc
P O B: Thomson Medical Centre

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Height & Weight

At Birth - 51 cm & 3.205 KG
1st Mth - 57 cm & 4.8 Kg
3rd Mth - 62 cm & 6.4KG
4th Mth - 67 cm & 7.1KG
5th Mth - 70 cm & 7.9KG
8th Mth - 72 cm & 8.9KG
10th Mth - 79 cm & 9.9KG
15th Mth - 81 cm & 11 KG
18th Mth - 84 cm & 12 KG


Important Links

SG Motherhood Forum
Mum Centre
Baby Centre
Maternity Wear(韓國進口)
Maternity Wear
Diapers Online


May 2008
June 2008
July 2008


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